Sunday, January 19, 2020
Beware of the Electric-Trojan or Electrojan Horse — How the TV Became a Jewish Globalist Tool for Colonizing, Conquering, and Controlling Your Mind
We’ve all heard of the Trojan Horse, the wooden structure offered by the Greeks to the Trojans as a gesture of truce and end to hostilities. Both sides were weary of battle that had raged for ten years, with neither side gaining a decisive advantage. Greeks dominated offense whereas the Trojans were impenetrable in defense. Also, the gods were divided half and half in their support of the two parties. The Trojan War, like World War I and World War II, was particularly bloody because both sides were evenly matched. The Greeks, therefore, realized that the ONLY way to gain an advantage was by trickery. Odysseus, the cleverest among the Greeks, came up with the idea of making war by making peace. Greeks would trick the Trojans by offering them a gift symbolizing the end of the war and Greek departure. Even though the truce denied outright victory to either side, the fact of Greek retreat would signal greater glory for the Trojans. And so, the Trojans accepted the gift and rejoiced all day and all night to celebrate the departure of the Greeks and end of the war. Little did they know that the thing they’d come to possess would be their undoing. Hidden inside the Wooden Horse was a band of Greeks who waited til the Trojans were asleep and then climbed down to open the gates for the entire Greek army that ambushed the slumbering populace. And just like that, a ten-year war which neither side could win was over in a single night. Just like that, Greeks were masters over the Trojans who were to be either killed or enslaved. What no amount of bronze and muscle could achieve in years, wit with a bit of wood achieved in a single night. When we consider the Trojan Horse in the context of modernity, what comes to mind? The TV.Jews are only 2% of the population. For several centuries, Jews had more money than goyim. Also, they gained substantial control of the media soon after the so-called Emancipation in the 19th century. With all the money accumulated from finance and retail, they figured investing in media control was the key to power. Still, Jewish influence was far from total prior to the coming of the TV. Even Jewish domination of the American Movie Industry, or Hollywood, didn’t ensure the kind of total power that came with their control of TV. After all, we go to the movies, but movies don’t come home with us. When away from the big screen in the pre-TV era, people filled up their time with other things. There was radio to be sure, but its power was nothing like the combination of Sound and Image. Now, if the TV had been controlled by another people, things might have panned out differently. Suppose one TV channel was run by Jewish Liberals, another by Christian Conservatives, another by Muslims, and another by secular nationalists. But, as it turned out, Jews controlled all TV channels from the very beginning. While TV shows have sometimes reflected reality, the reverse(where reality imitates TV) was always truer for two reasons. Most people watch TV for escapism and entertainment, and that meant they didn’t want to see too much reality on the TV screen; they wanted to see reality idealized, sensationalized, or melodramatized. The other reason was Jews sought to use the TV as a mass-mind-control box and therefore conveyed a kind of ‘reality’ that would be amenable to Jewish power, prestige, and privilege. For instance, consider the TV shows depicting in graphic details the realistic-seeming horrors of the Shoah or the brutal injustice of black slavery in the American South, both to play on ‘white guilt’, thereby paralyzing white identity/pride to the point where it shamefacedly seeks redemption on terms laid out by Jews. Notice not a single TV show has been made about the Zionist Nakba pogroms against Palestinians, Zionist use of IDF death squads to mow down helpless Palestinian women & children, or the Jewish role in communism that led to the deaths of millions of Christian Slavs. Or there won’t be any TV show or movie about how the Jewish Sacklers pushed opioids onto white working class to rake in billions in profits while knowing full well that it would lead to addiction and deaths of 100,000s of white people. Thus, even when TV shows do reflect grim reality, it is only what the Jews want to show us. Jews highlight, exaggerate, and sensationalize certain kinds of reality to cast a negative light on those whom they hate, fear, hold in contempt, and/or seek to control while pretending as if certain realities that involve Jewish perfidy don’t even exist. It’s like Jews notice black crime ONLY WHEN it affects Jews but then resort to some loopy logic to blame ‘white supremacists’ for what blacks to do Jews(and vice versa): Blacks brutalize Jews physically, Jews exploit blacks financially. The sad fact is too many people still uncritically rely on mass media for their understanding of reality. Even Americans who suspect mass media are lying to them day in and day out still haven't found the time and energy to seek out alternative ways to gain a truer sense of reality. As there is no definitive source of truth, 'right' or 'left' or 'elitist' or 'populist', the only way to gain a better understanding of the world by pondering the frictions & sparks of narrative-dialectics from various sides. But too many Americans believe 'my side' tells the truth while the other side is in the business of lying. So, there are Fox-News-dependents and MSNBC-News-dependents when, if anything, both sides are little more than news approved by Jewish supremacist power. Even Tucker Carlson, who is bit edgier and more independent-minded than most, won't step on the third rail of Jewish Power, preferring to refer to every bad Jewish behavior as 'leftist'.
Jews could not take over the white goy world by brute force or numbers. How could the 2% control the 98%? Also, unlike the British Imperialists who had superior technology and arms that could be used efficiently and ruthlessly against non-whites(and rival-whites such as the French, Russians, and Germans), Jews could not militarily conquer the white race that outnumbered them in Europe and owned tons of guns in the US. Jews could gain control over whites only mentally, and that meant control of media. But no media has been as effective as the TV in the Jewish colonization of white minds. After all, unlike the cinema, the TV is always in the house, in many cases in every room. And given the nature of the technology of TV, it favored concentration of ownership, management, and talent. Whereas it was conceivable for various localities to have their own newspapers and the like, the cost of visual production and infrastructure necessary to maintain a TV station meant that only a few players would dominate the industry. Even as Cable TV increased the number of channels, the number of media companies dwindled into fewer mega-monopolies. More channels usually meant More-of-the-Same.
Of course, Jews initially played it safe in their strategy to gain total control of TV in an overwhelmingly goy nation. In its inception, TV played a lot of programs that seemed patriotic, normal, clean-cut, and even traditional. Consider a time when airwaves were filled with programs like DONNA REED SHOW, LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, FATHER KNOWS BEST, GUNSMOKE, BONANZA, BRADY BUNCH, and etc. But look what happened to American TV, especially beginning in the 1990s. Also, the rise of Cable gave Jews an excuse to fill the airwaves with all sorts of filth. The degree to which the symbols and values of the great majority of Americans have been molded by TV cannot be exaggerated, and this is now truer than ever. A few decades ago, even though just about every home had a television set, many Americans were born BEFORE mass electronic media of TV. Therefore, their vision of America and their values had been molded by something other than what they saw on the TV. But beginning with the generation that came of age in the 1950s, not a day went by without most of them watching something on TV. Many people watched many hours of TV every day, and therefore, one could argue their main ‘experience’ of 'life' came from TV. Especially with decline of family culture & connection to ancestors/relatives, the atomization & alienation of individuals, fading of religious authority/community, and rise of single-parent households, the main ‘experience’ of culture for many people all through their lives was the TV. The generation that grew up in the 1950s and 1960s are now old people, and that means Americans, from old to young, have one thing in common where the TV has been the defining factor in their lives. The TV has also made people less patient and tolerant of life and people. After all, why bother with reality and its problems when what happens on TV is so much more fun or funny, thrilling & exciting, cool & ‘awesome’, and/or wild & sensational? People watch the TV to stave off boredom, but the TV has also made life much more boring because TV shows create the illusion of something always happening, indeed the dictum that something MUST happen at all times. It fills the air with vibes of something-happening-somewhere-all-the-time to which you are privy just by staring into the TV. Consider the TV addiction of Ellen Burstyn’s character in REQIEUM FOR A DREAM. Darren Aronofsky identified the electronic mass media as a kind of mass opiate, even an alternative-consciousness. Many people feel their consciousness is incomplete unless tuned to the TV or some electronic device. Their eyes and ears need be charged and channeled with ‘good vibrations’ or else they don't feel fully alive, as is the case with junkies who feel their lives are amiss unless they have another hit of their favorite drugs.
The Television Set has been like the Trojan Horse in that we bring it home as ours but it comes to own us. We buy and own the TV set, but we don’t control the programs. Even though each person has his or her own TV set, he or she is like countless millions of others who watch the same programs produced by a handful of media conglomerates, all of them owned and/or controlled by Jewish-Supremacist-Globalists. When the Trojans dragged the Wooden Horse into their city, they thought they owned the prized object symbolizing Trojan resilience and Greek departure(with tail between their legs). But what happened is the Greeks sneaked out of the Horse, went on the attack, and came to conquer Troy. Same goes for the TV. Everyone who buys a TV takes it home and feels "This is mine. I own this." But what he really ‘owns’ is a mental-colonization device of the Jews. Every time someone turns on "my TV", his eyes, ears, and mind are inundated with sights, sounds, and ideas that Jews push on the populace to manipulate and control them. In the film SERIOUS MAN, the father goes up on the roof to re-position the antennae to improve the signals. Where do those signals come from? It comes from far away, from the towers that send the same set of signals to millions of other Americans. With the advent of the TV, more people in inverse proportion came under the control of fewer people. Also, whereas the written word encouraged some degree of critical thinking, the beams and booms of the TV left many viewers watching blankly, as if under mass collective hypnosis. And if every reader can form his own images, everyone who sat before a TV watched and heard exactly the same images and sounds as everyone else. If Jews intended to use their control of TV medium in the spirit of fairness and truth, it wouldn’t have been so bad. But the very notion of 2% of Americans controlling nearly all of TV medium was intrinsically unfair. Imagine if a small number of Catholics, Mormons, or Muslims controlled most of the TV programming in Israel. No way Jews would stand for it. And yet, America allowed Jewish ethno-monopoly of the all-important electronic mass media and pretended as though nothing was inherently problematic with it. If anything, the main worry among Americans was that it might be ‘antisemitic’ if anyone noticed Jewish domination of TV and other forms of media. Well, just ask the Palestinians IF Jewish monopoly of media would make a difference. If Jews shamelessly used the media to sway Americans to side with Israel-Zionism-Jews against Palestinians-Arabs-Muslims, why wouldn’t they pull similar tricks on other goyim? Haven’t people figured out that Jews see all of humanity in two categories: Jews and ‘Palestinians’? Jews are themselves, and Palestinians-as-Metaphor are all of us. Just as Jews denied the right of identity, history, culture, land, and nationhood to the Palestinians, they mean to do the same to the rest of humanity via mass-migration-invasion, worship of globo-homo-mania, Afro-Mania, and Shoah-Worship(as if only Jewish Suffering deserves to be immortalized and eternalized for all of humanity to remember and honor). And possibly the most effective weapon that Jews have in creating the Jew World Order is the TV.
Most people just regard the TV as a box or screen that provides them with entertainment and news, but in fact, it’s a portal through which Jewish supremacist power colonizes, conquers, and controls their minds. Even those who watch TV critically and skeptically fall under its power to some degree because the sounds and images come at them at the irrational, emotional, and subliminal level. (It's like, even as we know horror movies are fake, we still feel the fright.) This is especially true in a world where family ties are weaker than ever, where religions have lost their authority, and where most people eschew community out of confusion caused by Diversity and/or of preference for the ersatz-community of the TV. It’s like Julie Christie’s character of the wife who virtually ‘lives’ through the TV set in Francois Truffaut’s adaptation of FAHRENHEIT 451. Even stupid TV shows and movies do something to us. It’s like junk food isn’t just junk food. We may not think much of it as we gobble it down, but that stuff does things to our bodies, and it ain’t good. Even things that seem trivial aren’t trivial in their effects, impact, or consequences. You may not think much of cigarettes as you smoke them, but they will mess up your heart and lungs. And if your body begins to suffer from excess of junk food and tobacco, it will mess with your mind and take a toll on your emotional well-being as well. Same goes for pop culture. Even though we may think little of it and dismiss it as just entertainment, the sights and sounds do affect us in some way and linger in the crevices of our minds. We are affected by them, especially if we consume them day in and day out. Consider how so many people have become inured to even wanton levels of graphic violence in movies & videogames and on TV. Even people who don’t want to become desensitized become desensitized to depictions of gore/violence, foul language, crude behavior, toxic levels of vulgarity, and all sorts of trashy expressions. Would so many people have tattoos and piercings if not for the effect of TV on the mass mind? In that sense, no movie is ‘just a movie’, and no TV show, no matter how seemingly trivial, is just a TV show. Also, considering that most people are dupes and idiots, what may not fool YOU may nevertheless fool a lot of people. Worse, even many smart people lack emotional maturity and critical mentality. There are plenty of smart people who, from a young age, were molded to just ‘study hard’ and get with the program. Consider the sheer lack of independent thought in elite colleges where so many nod in agreement to the same dogma and bow before the same sacred cows. In some ways, the dumb stuff are more dangerous than smart stuff. Smart stuff, the real stuff of art and philosophy, engages us to think harder and/or feel deeper. It doesn’t merely wash over us but confront us. In contrast, dumb stuff is meant to put us at ease, turn off our minds, and just soak it all in. Because our defenses are down while consuming dumb stuff, we could end up swallowing more than we expected. Of course, some dumb stuff is pretty ‘serious’ and ‘heavy’, the stuff of soap operas, melodramas, and message-movies. But it’s not the kind of seriousness that challenges us to explore, question, and think. Rather, it pushes a blunt message laced with simple emotions and demands that we accept the message in good faith because refusal on our part could mean we are cold, heartless bastards who simply don’t care. Such ‘serious’ works do the thinking and emoting for us. All we need to do is grab our handkerchiefs and weep as intended or learn to hate, hate, hate the cartoonish Evildoers. But then, why would Jews who control Hollywood make true works of art that challenge us to break out of the comfort-zone when (1) most people are too stupid to give such films a chance and (2) encouraging real thought and emotional honesty may inspire people to wonder about the true nature of reality, meaning, and justice? Notice that even works that purport to challenge us really keep us in the comfort zone of Jew-Worship, Negro-mania, and Homo reverence. The umpteenth movie about the Holocaust may be harrowing, but they ask no serious questions as to WHY Jews came to be hated so much by so many people. They are meant to keep us within the comfort zone of Jew-Worship.
Even as Jews inundate the airwaves with junk, trash, nonsense, propaganda, and idolatry, they are anxious about the dangers of TV. After all, there is always the danger of the pusher getting high on his own supply. Consider the TV anxiety in POLTERGEIST(a Steven Spielberg project directed by Tobe Hooper). Or the films of David Cronenberg, especially VIDEODROME. In the movie AVALON, Barry Levinson tells the story of a Jewish family gaining wealth by selling televison sets, but the final scene ends on an anxious note. An old man is in some nursing home while his great-grandchild blankly stares into the TV set. Prior to the coming of TV, the kids had grown up hearing stories of their parents & grandparents and partaking of the events and rituals of their cultural community. But the child in the final scene will get his worldview from the telly. Jews gained great power via control of Movies and the Television, but many Jews have also lost their way in the onrush of pop culture. This is why Jews understand the need for CULTURAL BRAKES in a world in accelerationist mode. There is a driving logic behind anything, and without brakes, people will just rush forward at breakneck speed and eventually go over the cliff. Jews push accelerationism on all of us, but they want some brakes for themselves as they don’t want to go over the cliff with us even as they lead us toward the cliff. It’s kind of like how American Indians hunted for bison by directing them toward a cliff. The stampeding bison would just follow the leaders and go over the cliff like lemmings. The Indians, of course, put on the ‘brakes’ and made sure their horses didn’t go over the cliff as well.So, Jews use the TV to control goyim but also worry that their kind too might fall under the spell of TV as mind-control weapon. What is the main brake that Jews have against TV and Pop Culture in general? It is the Covenant and Rituals that remind them of who they are and root them in blood, soil, and memory. Catholics have Confirmation and Communion, but such rituals don’t root them in race, culture, soil, and history. After all, one can be a good Christian with mere faith alone. In contrast, the Jewish ritual of the Bar Mitzvah specifically grounds the Jew in his tribe, history, and ancient soil. When one is confirmed in the Catholic Church, one becomes one of they many Catholics around the world of many races, ethnic groups, nationalities, and etc. In contrast, to become a Jewish adult means the realization that you are special because you belong to a unique tribe.
The druggy Bar Mitzvah scene in SERIOUS MAN may have been inspired by the ritual in Aldous Huxley’s final novel, THE ISLAND where young ones are initiated into adulthood with a combination of hallucinogens and ancient wisdom. Inadvertently, the son in SERIOUS MAN has exactly that kind of moment where his druggy prank actually ends up enhancing the meaning of the ritual of passage from boyhood to manhood. Jews have such cultural brakes in the modern accelerationist world, but most goyim do not. Also, Jews, being smarter and more contemplative about power, think about their control of the media. Therefore, they know that the media are more than a platform for news and entertainment. They watch the electronic media on two levels: Image and Sub-Image, akin to Text and Sub-Text, like Jewish Psychologists pondered the Conscious and the Subconscious.
Jews know that the electronic media are an instrument of power that can never be objective because people control it, and every group of power has its own biases. After all, media controlled by Jews and media controlled by goyim are two different things. Indeed, imagine if Muslim-Americans controlled most of the media. Even if they claimed to be objective or fair, wouldn't their biased worldview be reflected in their media products? Now, this should be plain as day, but so many people in the West are under the illusion that they can rely on the media for the truth. One reason for such gullibility is the conceit that the West is a ‘liberal democracy’ with a ‘free press’. Never mind that the so-called ‘free press’ is owned by a handful of Jewish oligarchs with ties to the Deep State. No one gets that big just by telling the truth and standing for justice/fairness. You must collaborate, even conspire, with other power blocs. The other reason is the Jew Taboo. In other parts of the world, it’s fair game for people to point out who controls the media. Russians, for instance, know that much of Russian Media is state-run. People in China know that the CCP controls most of the media. Like it or not, they know who has power over the media. But in the West, there is such a taboo about Jewish Power that most people dare not discuss the JEWISH control of media, and this means that even as Jews palestinianize(or disenfranchise) the goy population with their biased manipulation of the media, no one says a word. And even when people do criticize or even condemn the media, they always blame ‘liberals’ or the ‘left’ without ever mentioning that it’s been the Jews all along.Now, we cannot do without TV. Even those who don’t watch TV programs use the television screen to watch movies and the like, much of which is also produced by Jewish-owned corporations. We cannot return to a Luddite past. We can try to gain a foothold in arts and culture, but despite all the yammering about ‘free speech’, ‘liberal democracy’, and the like, we know that the West is really a kind of neo-theocracy or ideocracy that worships certain idols. In other words, the 'political' climate within arts & entertainment is such that if you don’t subscribe to Magic Negro myth, Holy Homo cult, and Wonderful Jew worship, you don't have much of a chance. And things have gotten worse over the years with even tighter Jewish control of elite institutions & industries and with the fading of white, Christian, and traditional moral authority(that had once stood up to and pushed back against Jewish perfidy and vileness). Just ask Sam Hyde and Gavin McInnes what it’s like to work in the mass media. There has been an emergence of amateur voices on Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook, but as those platforms are under Jewish ethno-monopolistic domination, dissenting voices among whites and Palestinians have increasingly been targeted and shut down. If Jews must choose between free speech & principles and tribal power & privilege, they will opt for the latter when push comes to shove. Also, as Jews control the finances of America, they shut down the flow of money to anyone they don’t like, usually white dissenters and voices for Palestinian justice. Jews who can force all Americans to sanction Russia and Iran can surely make it difficult for dissident voices to be heard in the US. Things wouldn’t be so bad if there were critical voices on the American Right that spoke truth to Jewish power, but virtually all of American Conservatism Inc. is about sucking up to Jews. Take Mike Pence, the so-called Christian Conservative. Given that Jews have been the #1 power behind globo-homo that targets Christian America, you’d think he would speak up against Jews. But no, the dumb wussy cuck is a total toady before Jewish Power. And when he was insulted at a performance of HAMILTON, he responded in the most cravenly and cowardly manner. He talks tough about Russia, Iran, and North Korea, but he is totally meek before Jewish globo-homo power that is waging a war of destruction against Christian Conservatives. Jews own the declawed & neutered Conservatism Inc. but feel a real threat from amateur and youthful dissident voices who dare to be like the kid in the story EMPEROR WEARS NO CLOTHES. These amateurs notice the reality and speak truth to power, and Jews can’t have that. It’d be more honest if Jews admitted that they are the new authoritarians and that the US is really a Jewish gangster-imperialist-fascist state(as opposed to a humanist-nationalist-fascist one), but even as Jews shut down free speech and free assembly, they posture as champions and defenders of ‘liberal democracy’ from authoritarian forces around the world. Of course, when Jews say ‘democracy’, they really mean ‘goyim sucking up to Soros and Zion’. After all, Jews don’t seem to respect democracy when it leads to the victory of men like Viktor Orban. They like 'democracy' ONLY WHEN it leads to the victory of wussy-cucks like Emmanuel Macron. Jews will even side with quasi-Nazi elements in Ukraine to bring down a democratically elected government. And even though Jews claim to be on the ‘left’, they turn against a man like Jeremy Corbyn on a dime. This is why calling Jewish Power ‘leftist’ is to miss the point. Jews use ‘rightism’ and ‘leftism’ to serve the axiom of "Is it good for Jews?" In other words, a Jewish ‘leftist’ has far more in common with a Jewish ‘rightist’ and vice versa than a Jewish ‘leftist’ has with goy leftists or a Jewish ‘rightist’ has with goy rightists. And so, Jews will claim to be for ‘free speech’ but come up with lawfare talk of ‘hate speech’(where they get to decide what is ‘hate’ against ‘protected groups’) to shut down debate. Of course, the very notion of ‘protected group’ is inherently ‘hateful’ since some groups are favored over others. After all, favoring Jews over Palestinians has led to a hate campaign against Palestinian Rights in the West Bank. The only way to have real free speech is to give all sides — Jews, Palestinians, whites, etc. — equal opportunity for speech. Now, some will argue that unfettered free speech among the powerful group can be dangerous to powerless groups because, after all, an angry mob of the powerful majority can do more harm to a weak minority. But if that’s true, then speech that should be most curtailed is Jewish Speech since Jews have supremacist power in the West. After all, the Zionist speech of Powerful Jews has led to tyranny over Palestinians. The neo-imperialist speech of Neocons, Jewish globalists, and the like has led to ‘new cold war’ with Russia, Wars for Israel, and many other crises around the world, directly and indirectly. Indeed, what is more dangerous than Jewish Speech in a world where the lone superpower, the US, is controlled by arrogant and contemptuous Jewish supremacist hegemonists? But according to Jewish Logic, Jews must forever be a ‘protected group’ whereas even poor white working class and Palestinians must be vilified and suppressed because they might blurt out the Truth that Jews hate and can't tolerate. When Jews say ‘hate speech’, it means they hate speech that speaks truth to Jewish Power. Of course, these vile Jews defame every speech critical of Jews as 'nazi' even though they are the ones who act like new Nazis with their racial supremacism and forever wars.
We cannot NOT own a TV. And even though many people have given up on TV, plenty of Americans are still glued to the screen. Many watch more than 4 hrs every night. Without TV, they would be lost. They are hooked. Still, even as a TV watcher, you can be smart or dumb. You can be childlike or adult-like. You can be gullible or critical. What’s the difference between a child and adult when they watch a program? The child is likely to believe anything whereas the adult is likely to be knowing. Also, the child is spellbound whereas the adult might ask WHO is behind the program and WHY is it conveying a certain message? Children see the program as the Answer, whereas adults watch the program with Questions. Granted, too many adults are like children and watch garbage without asking the pertinent questions. Also, many adults have little knowledge outside TV and pop culture. This is why they make poor cynics when they do break out of the ‘mainstream’ programming. Indeed, many cynics are really 'cynnocent', where cynical attitude is just a cover for their eternal innocence borne of ignorance for lack of genuine curiosity and patience to figure things out. Because of their habit of preferring simple truisms, they immediately fall for the Next Narrative after breaking free of the earlier one, much like the TV audience in THE TRUMAN SHOW hanker for the next show after Truman finally breaks free of the programming. For example, they go from totally believing the official 9/11 narrative to a totally crackpot one. Or they go from believing official lies to believing nonsense about the moon-landing having been faked. It’s a case of ‘out of the frying pan into the fire’. This is precisely what’s so dispiriting about certain folks in the dissident right. They went from believing in the official red-white-and-blue flag-waving nonsense to Neo-Nazi nonsense that says a pathological nut like Adolf Hitler was just a misunderstood humanitarian. And there are many such people on the so-called Left. Instead of going from conformity & deference to a critical questioning of the Power, they went from conformity to one ideology/system to conformity to another ideology/system. While total individualism is impossible(and undesirable), we need to develop a sense of selfhood that is independent of arch-truisms that come with any ideology or system. It does little for conscious development to go from a dogmatic religionist to a dogmatic atheist or vice versa. It makes little sense to go from an unquestioning communism to an unquestioning libertarianism, or vice versa. Even as we may agree more with one ideology/system than with another, we must always remind ourselves that no ideology offers all the answers and that every system generally tends to favor the vain, egotistical, arrogant, devious, sociopathic, and corrupt in the upper hierarchy. After all, it’s difficult to be an honest politician and win. And anyone seeking to climb the corporate hierarchy has to play the game, and that means lots of ass-kissing of those above you and betrayal of others.
At any rate, what we all need to do is develop a stronger immunity to TV and pop culture. Why do we remain healthy despite being surrounded by germs and toxins all around us? It’s because our bodies have developed immunity against all kinds of bacteria, viruses, and poisons. Without such immunity, we end up like AIDS patients who could be killed by something as mild as the common cold or minor infection. Given the cultural pollution and toxicity of so much of what’s on TV and in pop culture, we need to develop immunities. Otherwise, the cultural germs and poisons will overpower our minds, and our souls will be colonized by Jewish filth and globo-homo wickedness. We will be overwhelmed by evil and a new kind of satanism. However, if we develop the mental immunity of critical thinking and asking-the-right-questions, then we will be able to see TV programs for what they are, and that very knowledge will only strengthen our resolve against their creators. After all, if you don’t question the moral legitimacy of communism, you will likely fall under the sway of communist propaganda. But if you know communism for what it is, know of its bloody history, and know what kind of people rule over communist societies, you will see communist propaganda for what it is. Most likely, you won’t be fooled by communist claims because you will see through the propaganda(made transparent by your critical and questioning faculties) at the power that is behind the machinery of deception. Though MATRIX is a dumb movie, there is a telling scene when Neo(Keanu Reeves) gains the power to see through the illusion all around him; he sees the hidden codes propping up false reality. Now, MATRIX is a bogus movie that, while pretending to take us from fantasy to reality, merely takes us to another fantasy, indeed a proto-‘woke’ one pushed by the Jewish globo-homo powers-that-be whereby Negroes are magical, women are badass, and Diversity is Our Strength. It was made by Wachowski Brothers who became Wachowski 'Sisters'(and later did SPEED RACER movie), and that ought to tell you what kind of 'reality' these freaks are attached to. Still, the message of MATRIX is like that of THE WIZARD OF OZ, i.e. seeing through the curtain of deception at the real wizard behind the power, or the illusion of power. Why do Jews fear the loss of this illusion? Because once a person stops believing, it’s impossible to make him believe again. A child who learns Santa isn’t real can’t be made to believe again. The Genie can’t be put back in the bottle, no more than virginity can be regained after sex. Jews fear that the programming is wearing off on a lot of people. This is why they push for PC-training for children at an even younger age. If adults are beginning to realize the truth, then young children must be conditioned from earliest age to BELIEVE in the Jewish globo-homo PC. Instill them with PC faith as young as possible in the hope that such conditioning will last a lifetime. And this seems to have worked among Millennials, surely the stupidest generation that ever was. They grew up with PC from cradle, and their parents, either lackadaisical late boomers or libertine early Gen-X-ers, did little to instill their children with a critical mind-set or cultural roots that could hunker down against the barrage of PC ballistics.
But there is a way for children to be acculturated and conditioned in the proper way to develop into thinking adults whose core existence isn’t about mindless consumerism as meaning of life and mindless trigger-unhappy hysterics of PC idiocy predicated on the assumption that the most sacred truths for all humanity are Jew-Worship, Magic Negro cult, and Globo-Homo celebration. At this point in history, one has to be an idiot parent to allow children to just watch TV. While most TV shows were always low in quality, there was a time when most of them were not toxic. If kids spent hours watching FATHER KNOWS BEST, BRADY BUNCH, EIGHT IS ENOUGH, LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE, GUNSMOKE, RIFLEMAN, HONEYMOONERS, or even THREE’S COMPANY or SANFORD AND SON, they would miss out on worthier activities, but it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Also, there was a time when Court TV used to be something like PEOPLE’S COURT where Joseph Wapner did a creditable job as a dignified judge. And the Phil Donahue Show wasn't the worst thing in the world. But over the years, vulgarity and cult of personality defined Court TV where the new judges were egotist showmen(or women) who combined scold-ism with sensationalism. As for Talk Shows, it went from somewhat interesting Donahue to the brazen trashiness of JERRY SPRINGER SHOW and new age fakery & cult of personality of OPRAH. The relative ‘innocence’ of THREE’S COMPANY(which relied mostly on double entendres) gave way to the open filth of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN. And today, just about every TV ad is about globo-homo propaganda, jungle fever, cultural deviance, or white male cucky-wuckery. Just about every TV show about the American Family must have some ‘gay’ or ‘tranny’ child or relative even though only 2% of Americans are of the LGBTQXYX orientation/persuasion. And that is why it makes no sense to just allow kids to watch hours and hours of TV. Even so-called reality-based shows are willfully misleading about the world. Most interracial crimes are black-on-white or black-on-non-black, but notice the Jew-run media perpetuates the false impression that innocent blacks are set upon by evil white cops or white ‘supremacists’. And notice there hasn’t been a single TV show about the Nakba or what Palestinians are suffering under Zionists. There are tons of Russian villains, but there hasn’t been a single show about Jewish role in Soviet communism and Jewish role in the mass looting of Russia in the 90s. The Power gets to decide who are the 'Cowboys' and who are the 'Indians', even to the point where 'Cowboys' are the 'New Indians' and the 'Indians' are the 'New Cowboys'. Nothing is essential in a world where Jewish Power renders everything malleable except for the eternal truth of "Is it good for Jews?" Jews promoted plastic surgery and extreme-narcissism on shows such as THE SWAN where 'ugly ducklings' were sold on the dream that anyone can be 'beautiful', and such idiot mentality laid the groundwork for acceptance of homo vanity and tranny narcissism. Now, even big fat ugly men can pretend to be 'beautiful women', and we are to praise such lunacy with a straight face. Being sexually straight is suspect, but you better be totally straight in accepting globo-homo as the New Normal.
This is why parents today shouldn’t let kids watch whatever’s on TV. Rather, the TV should be used as a discriminating device than an open device. As an open device, it is totally a one-way street/stream whereby Jewish globalists who own all the channels beam their messages to countless Americans(and others around the world). At least with the internet, one can interact and express one’s own views in counter to the official line. With the TV, the power speaks to us and shows us, and we have no choice but to be passive consumers. However, there are quality TV shows, usually nature documentaries and some made-for-TV movies and mini-series, and these are available on dvd or by streaming services. And of course, the TV set can be hooked to the internet, and one can access content created by independent and dissident voices. It makes more sense to expose children to the best critical dissident voices than to the official megaphone, that is unless parents' soulless dream is to have their children parrot official dogma for access to privilege. Such parents are no different than the opportunists through the ages for whom the highest good isn’t truth or justice but power or privilege. As such, their only conception of ‘justice’ is what the Power tells them. So, they will even agree that bakeries need to be destroyed if they won’t bake ‘gay wedding’ cakes in the hope that it will win them some ‘wokemon’ points with the Power. For those who care about real truth and real justice, they must cultivate within themselves a critical faculty and then impart it to children(and friends, parents, and associates). One must ask the question of TV and electronic-media, WHO OWNS THE INDUSTRY AND WHO MADE THESE PROGRAMS? WHAT IS THE REAL AGENDA BEHIND THE PROGRAMS? WHY DO THE MAKERS THINK AND FEEL THUS? WHAT RELATION DOES WHAT-IS-SHOWN HAVE WITH THE REAL WORLD? WHAT IS THE DISCREPANCY BETWEEN WHAT THE POWER CLAIMS AND WHAT IT REALLY DOES? Unless one asks those questions, one is no better than a child watching cartoons about fairies and Santa. We all need to grow up some. And this goes for Conservatives as well as Liberals. If Liberals are blind of their foolishness because of their conceit of being rational, skeptical, and open-minded free-thinkers(when, in fact, they are brainwashed and indoctrinated idiots whose new religion is Jew-Worship, Afromania, and Globo-Homomania), Conservatives can’t break out of their shell of stupidity because they’re stuck in USA-USA-USA mode supportive of anything wrapped in the American Flag, which today represents little but Israel-First, Globo-Homo cultural imperialism, and mass cult of Black Athletes. If Liberals are brainwashed, Conservatives are braindead with their ‘support the troops’ mentality of cheering on any war as long as it makes them feel PROUD as Americans with the biggest guns. Idiots will always be manipulated and controlled by the clever, and it’s no wonder that brainwashed goy Liberals and braindead goy Conservatives are such putty in the hands of smart Jews. Next time you watch TV, ask the necessary questions(and raise more questions), and thereby develop an immunity. And spread this mental vaccine to others you know. Inoculate them with the habit of watching with genuine curiosity, true criticality, and the power to ask questions. Just remember that Jews, via ethno-monopolistic control of the electronic media, have gained SCANNER-power over our minds, the kind in David Cronenberg's horror movie SCANNERS. And with Google, Jews seek to track what we do and where we are at all times. There was a period when the platforms were relatively fair, a time when Google’s motto was "Don’t be Evil", and we were allowed to ‘scan’ the Power as the Power was ‘scanning’ us. But now, Jewish monopolists have rigged the game in cahoots with gangster-operations like ADL & SPLC and the Deep State so that the Power can ‘scan’ us but we can’t ‘scan’ back and speak truth to power. Consider all the Youtube channels and videos that were shut down for speaking truth to Power.
David Duke ‘scans’ the power and speaks truth to power. Duke is far from perfect, but when he speaks truth to Jewish Power, more often than not he hits the bull’s eye.
Brother Nathanael has been invaluable in ‘scanning’ Jewish Power for its abuses and hypocrisies, and even though Youtube had tolerated him for years, he was finally removed from the platform as a means to bolster Jewish-Zionist supremacism. Jews hustled us. They made assurances of objectivity and fairness to gain monopoly, but once their power was total and secure, they shut down dissident voices in the name of combating ‘hate speech’, and of course, American Conservatism Inc. remains mum because its main sole purpose is about serving Jewish Power as the top power. One way of defining ‘conservatism’ is "deference to authority, hierarchy, and power". As Jews are at the very top, the deferential conservative mindset sucks up to Jews as the overlords in our ever Kafka-esque universe where the definition of 'hate' has gotten surreal and absurd. If Jews hate the truth but you speak it, you are accused of 'hate speech' and shut down for reasons that make no sense in relation to reality. Goy is now Joseph K, and Jews are the shadowy masters and overlords with power of judge and jury over our speech, money, guns, and freedom. But as so many minds have been colonized by Jew-run TV, they just nod along like so many sheeple. Jews vilified white people especially and then associated whatever they don't like with 'white supremacism'. So, free speech is now 'white supremacist', and this has been an effective way to make white cucks and POC support curtailment of free speech that shall, needless to say, be carried out by Jews in ADL and SPLC, two gangster-extortion operations enabled by Jew-run Media and the Deep State.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Kevin Michael Grace vs Rodney Martin on Trump's Killing of Soleimani on THE LUKE FORD SHOW — Who Is Right?
The video above begins with Kevin Michael Grace's defense of Donald Trump's assassination of Soleimani and Iraqi militiamen as justifiable retaliation against the attack on the US embassy(which, in turn, was a response to earlier US attack on pro-Iranian Iraqi forces). Rodney Martin joins the discussion at 34:00 to condemn Trump's actions as being on behalf of Israel-Firsters, especially when, as Tucker Carlson has pointed out, so little has been done about Mexican Drug cartels and broken borders. (Of course, Carlson is too afraid to Name the Jew.)
Kevin Michael Grace as co-host on the Luke Ford Show is a man of journalistic experience and exhibits many positive attributes of the profession: Curiosity, erudition, and a critical mind. As a staunch conservative, a rare breed in journalism nowadays, he's been resistant to whims of fashion that have come to define Western culture and values. (But then, conservatism, like any -ism, comes with its own set of biases and blind-spots.) People like KMG are outliers not only because they're conservatives in an overwhelmingly Liberal profession but because they have 'liberal' tastes in arts and culture. Now, there is no reason for conservatives to be anti-art or anti-intellect, but in the modern era more liberals than conservatives have been invested in arts, culture, and ideas. One merely needs to survey the media, academia, and institutions. This imbalance has been more pronounced in America where conservatism has either a strong populist or Evangelical strain. As for conservatives committed to the arts, they've generally favored traditional arts, established reputations, or conventional genres. William F. Buckley Jr.'s idea of music was limited to classical. In contrast, KMGs' cultural sensibility and tastes are closer to those of Liberals though his analyses and judgments have a right-wing, Christian, and/or pro-white angle. Unlike the more staid culture warriors of Conservatism, KMG really gets and appreciates modernism, the avant-garde, and pop culture. He even dabbled in punk culture albeit for right-wing reasons. But KMG's inquiring mind and openness go only so far. Sometimes, he falls back on stereotypes and shopworn cliches to spout off on something he knows little or nothing about, as when he caricatured 60s Drug Culture in the manner of silly educational films only good for laughs. Though not a druggy myself — I don't even wanna try pot — , I know enough about hallucinogens from books and friends/associates that they aren't about seeing Magic Dragons. Though KMG is correct about the negative effects of drug culture(that got even worse with cocaine in the 70s, crack in the 80s, and meth in the 90s), he mis-characterizes something he knows nothing about. From Aldous Huxley's DOORS OF PERCEPTION & HEAVEN AND HELL and Jay Stevens' fascinating STORMING HEAVEN, it's clear that psychedelics weren't just escapism into a neural video-game with pink magic bunnies. Besides, doesn't Catholicism believe in miracles, a notion that has been exploited by charlatans to milk tears and dollars from suckers? KMG has interesting things to say when he opens his mind to any subject. Thus, even conservatives have something to gain from the liberal spirit; liberalism becomes a problem when it turns into dogma, as with Political Correctness, whereupon it becomes liberal-in-name-only and stuck within a iron-cast-of-mind. (Likewise, the radical leftist spirit has value insofar as it is willing to question and challenge the existing power structure. It turns sour when the spirit turns into dogma, as with Marxism-Leninism and hardens the passion into a cold iron fist.) Granted, liberals would do better with some degree of conservative anchor or roots as freedom without attachment is like leaves blowing in the wind: Free but fated to brown and wither. At any rate, one of the less appealing aspects of conservatism is to fall back on familiar biases without questioning assumptions. Sticking to the tried-and-true is usually good rule-of-thumb, but it doesn't provide all the answers. That the 60s drug culture went very wrong should be obvious to all, but to characterize psychedelia as KMG does surely misses something crucial. It's unlikely that so many people were drawn to such drugs just to lose one's sense of reality and to see objects turn into monsters. KMG's simpleminded take on Counterculture can be heard 46:00 in the video below.
Rodney Martin is an off/on guest on the Luke Ford Show, and I know little about him except that he's an American patriot, an upstanding member of Middle America. Though a regular American, he speaks more sense that most of the commentariat in Mainstream Media(that are as 'mainstream' as so-called Mainline churches are 'mainline'), and it's heartening that someone who isn't a professional in academia and government is as knowledgeable about world affairs and strives for moral consistency on US foreign policy. In the Grace-Martin discussion, Martin comes off much better because of this very consistency. To better understand the issue, consider the Politics of War in American History. The Liberal-Left opposition to Lyndon B. Johnson and the Vietnam War notwithstanding, most of the political discourse on War has been a matter of, "It's bad if your guy does it, it's good if our guy does it." We saw this with Liberals, leftists, and Progs from Bush II to Obama. While many on the Left opposed and condemned Bush II's invasion of Iraq(not least out of fear that it might turn out well), most were either silent or supportive of Obama's even worse destruction of the Middle East(Syria), North Africa(Libya), and Ukraine, not to mention the 'new cold war' with Russia. In contrast, the 'conservatives', who couldn't get enough of warmongering during Bush II's presidency, were either tepid in their support of Obama's war or even mildly voiced opposition. One of the remarkable things about Trump's 2016 campaign was his pledge to bring the troops home and make peace with Russia. He also denounced the invasion of Iraq as a total disaster. He also reiterated the obvious that the destruction of Libya and Syria only emboldened the terrorists. He did spew bile against Iran, but it was understood he had to throw some red meat to the Zionist oligarchs to get their money. At any rate, something remarkable happened as a result. The Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton became pigeonholed as the pro-war candidate, whereas Trump, for all his bluster and machismo, came across as an anti-war candidate. Thus, his supporters also became anti-war, and this angered the Neocon Jews who see the US as one giant aircraft carrier for Zion.
One of the developments since the end of the Vietnam War was the tendency to root for(or at least not oppose) war IF the commander-in-chief happens to be your guy. To the credit of the American Left, it opposed the Vietnam War when LBJ, a Democrat, was president, and then it opposed the war under Richard Nixon. There was a certain consistency in their position. But a narrative developed since then that the Progressive opposition to a Democratic administration led to the rise of Richard Nixon and Silent Majority. Therefore, the new strategy was one of vociferously opposing wars by Republican presidents while supporting or at least not-opposing wars by Democratic presidents. GOP, in turn, was likely to be far more supportive of GOP-led wars than Democratic-Party-led wars, but overall, its 'support the troops' mentality meant that its anti-war stance was weak at best. And so, Bill Clinton got away with lobbing bombs and missiles all over the place. And there was virtually no opposition to Barack Obama's war on Libya, coup in Ukraine, and aid to terrorists(labeled 'moderate rebels') in Syria. But then, Trump Phenom happened in 2016, and incredibly enough, it seemed as though American Conservatives could be the new anti-war voices and on principled than mere opportunistic basis. This was most welcome since the kind of people who are most likely to get killed in war are conservative white men. Furthermore, the Invade-Invite Strategy undermines American nationalism. By invading and destroying other nations, US loses moral credentials on nationalism, i.e. why should Americans have right of nationalism when their government violates and tramples on the sovereignty of other nations? Furthermore, the US strategy has been to give its invasions a human face with the invite-policy. "We may destroy your nation, but we are so warm-hearted and welcome you displaced folks to our nation." This has been going on since the Vietnam War. Kill millions over there but put on a human face by taking in untold numbers of refugees. This policy is especially damaging to American Conservatism since most of these newcomers end up voting for Democrats. One reason is the Democrats are for more immigration, but the other reason is, despite the fact that Jewish Democrats are the biggest globo-imperialists on Earth, the Democratic Party pays lip-service to concerns of People-of-Color and has at least some factions that speak up for Palestinian rights and oppose war(though never effectively). Thus, Democrats can enjoy their wars and imperialism while feigning 'progressive' credentials of peace and tolerance. In contrast, the GOP comes across as entirely pro-imperialist and pro-war. This was precisely why Donald Trump was so threatening to both Democrats and Republicans in 2016 when he ran, more or less, as a Peace Candidate. Though he projected power & pride(unlike spineless George McGovern in 1972) and supported the US military, he said all the wars in Middle East and North Africa have been disastrous, leading to more terrorism, more instability, more dead soldiers, more dead civilians, and the demographic invasion of Europe via Libya. He took a hardline position on Iran(unfortunately) and promised to reverse Obama's semi-conciliatory policies, but overall, he totally went off the GOP reservation to the ire of Neocon Never-Trumpers. And the passionate support for Trump among many American Conservatives(who cheered in the South when he said Bush family is responsible for the disaster in Iraq) suggested a sea-change in popular opinion. Could it be that American Conservatives are becoming Anti-War in principle? Could it be that Peace, Conciliation, and Diplomacy will become conservative positions while deranged Democrats will clamor for more wars(and cold wars)? Will American Conservatives break with the contemptible tradition of "War's okay if my guy's president, war's not okay if your guy's president." And for awhile, it seemed that way. Whenever Trump said he's about to pull out troops from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, many on the New Right cheered whereas Democrats, wenches like Rachel Maddow, and Never-Trump Neocons crowed. It seemed as though the Progs really were stuck on More Wars whereas the New Right was set on No More Wars.
But as Jews run the US, Trump has been unable to make peace with Russia. Not only did the Jew-run Media blast Trump for any sign of thawing with Russia but the hysteria of Russia Collusion Hoax made sane diplomacy with Russia impossible. After all, if half the nation is convinced that Trump is Putin's Puppet, Trump will be denounced as traitor for any overtures to Russia. And despite his many noises, Trump hasn't been able to pull out troops out of Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan because the military-industrial complex and Jewish faction in the GOP are too powerful. Still, the fact that Trump managed to avert a new major war was seen as something. But perhaps it's the 'beat the wife and kick the dog' syndrome, the one where the man who is berated by his boss at work goes home to mete out violence against weaker members. Trump, having had his manhood taken away by Jewish Zionists and Globalists, is now a castrated and cucked man. As Jews have subverted and destroyed much of his first term, the logical thing for him would be to denounce Jews and maybe bomb Israel for its endless aggression and provocations against Syria, making it more difficult for the US to bring about any closure in that part of the world. But as we know, US is idolatrous of three groups as holy-schmoly — Jews, Homos, and Negroes — , and that means the Holy Holocaust People cannot be opposed or even criticized no matter what they do. So, even though Jews have been breaking Trump's balls from day one, he has to suck their cock and bend over to take it up the ass. Having been thus emasculated, how does Trump go about demonstrating his manhood? He plays dog to the Jews and mauls Arabs/Muslims or barks at Russia(or China). But no matter how loud a dog barks and how hard it bites, its 'toughness' is in service to its master.
Given KMG's keen intelligence and broad knowledge, one would hope he'd know better, but the fact is sensibility and prejudice often trump logic, consistency, and principles. And it seems KMG is turning into a War-Cuck because the basis of his worldview is Western hegemonism, Crusadism, and power-worship-ism. KMG says he's a nationalist and opposed to imperialism, but that means he's for Zionism but not for Palestinian nation-hood. Nationalism only matters to his kind and peoples he likes and to NO ONE else. He opposes non-white invasion of the West, but he feels it's okay for the US to drop bombs and assassinate people in other nations as an occupying force. And even though Jewish Power has done most to castrate and destroy the white race since the end of WWII, he claims to be Philo-Semitic. In other words, nationalism for KMG is mere opportunism to protect and preserve the West and to honor Jews. It doesn't apply to Palestinians and Arabs/Muslims who apparently exist to be bombed and murdered by West's pro-Zionist war machine.
But then, why does KMG admire the Jews? Because Jews are smart, rich, and accomplished. Because Jews are a great powerful people, he dreams of an alliance with them against the non-white world. In a way, KMG's fatal attraction to Jews is akin to Adolf Hitler's mis-perception of Anglos. Hitler admired the Anglos so much that he hoped for alliance of UK and Germany against much of the world, esp. against Jews and Russia. It was a sentimentality on Hitler's part that proved fatal. As Anglos were allied with Jews against Germany, the natural thing would have been for Hitler to maintain his alliance with Stalin. But he attacked Russia instead. Hitler's Anglo-dreams proved to be utterly useless. Likewise, KMG's Philo-Semitic dreams are useless. While a handful of Jews might think well of KMG, most Jews regard him as no different from neo-Nazi ilk. After all, KMG has called out on Jewish bad behavior and interviewed Kevin MacDonald(who is allied with David Duke and Jared Taylor). To Jews, Kevin MacDonald is evil incarnate, and anyone who gives him a fair hearing must be a 'nazi sympathizer'. It doesn't matter that KMG, despite his criticism of Jews, is ultimately a cuckish Philo-Semite because the ONLY kind of Philo-Semite that is acceptable to Jews is one that never ever dares to utter a single syllable critical of Jews. KMG is a sentimentalist about Jews because he thinks his kind can form a sound, stable, and fair relationship with Jews: One where Jews criticize whites, whites criticize Jews, but where both sides respect one another and carry on more-or-less as equal partners. In fact, such isn't in the cards given Jewish personality, arrogance, and megalomania. Jews want whites to be their dog, horse, and cattle. Whites better obey and serve. KMG is willing to serve, but he wants to speak his mind about bad Jewish behavior wherever such exists, but Jews will not tolerate any such. Thus, KMG has been purged just like Kevin MacDonald and Jared Taylor, another sentimentalist about Jews, the very people most responsible for his deplatforming. KMG is right to denounce the seedier and crazier elements of 'white nationalism', but he's under the illusion that Jews regard him any differently because he denounces Richard Spencer and David Duke. No, in Jewish eyes, he's no different. As Jews got the power, it doesn't matter what KMG wishes or thinks. What matters is what Jews think, and Jewish Power says KMG is a white-nationalist-supremacist-neo-nazi-homophobic-catholic-bigot.
this brilliant video). But we should also dispel the myth that Jewish Power will tolerate honest criticism and respect other groups on equal terms. Jews are in Judeo-Nazi mode and demand submission and obedience. We know this from how Jews work on Congressmen, virtually all of whom are made an offer they can't refuse: Sign a pledge to Israel or else. Jews are also the biggest hypocrites in the world. They berate whites for 'racism' and 'white supremacism' and say US/Canada belong to all the world and Diversity, but then they turn around and say ALL Americans & Canadians of all races and backgrounds must cheer for Jews(and Homos) uber alles. If indeed Jews are for racial equality and against ethno-centrism, why must all Americans favor Jews over Palestinians in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict?
And yet, KMG favors the Jews because, despite his knowledge and intelligence, he is at heart a Crusadist-imperialist, power-worshiper, and misguided in his racialism. After all, would KMG really care about Jews if they weren't so rich, so accomplished in arts & intellect? KMG's elitism favors the great peoples over un-great peoples even at the political level. Such attitude isn't much different from the Nazi notion that Germans deserve to invade and rule over the less accomplished Slavs. Jews > Palestinians, Germans > Slavs. Also, as European Jews are half-white, KMG favors them over them Ay-rabs and Muzzies. To many white pro-Zionists, Jews in Israel are 'our whites' and Palestinians are 'those niggers'. KMG even denigrates Palestinian resistance by associating the term 'intifadah' to what black thugs do in the US. Palestinians used intifadah to oppose ongoing Zionist invasion and occupation of West Bank and Gaza, but for KMG, such resistance is no different from black criminal elements wreaking havoc to rape, loot, and rob. Never mind that the Jews are robbing Palestinians of the remaining territories. KMG projects his own rather pathetic sentimentality about Jews onto those who defend Palestinian right of nation-hood. According to KMG, championing the most basic right of nationhood for Palestinians is 'sentimentalism' while sucking up to Jews who hate, defame, and smear people like him apparently constitutes moral rectitute.
Of course, Luke Ford himself is a crit-cuck, not least because he converted to Orthodox Judaism. Ford often speaks bluntly about Jewish Power and Jewish bad behavior, but as a Jewish Convert he is committed to Israel, Zionism, and Jewish Power. His loyalty to Jews contradicts his contention that all groups are tribal and ethno-centric. If so, why isn't Ford, a man of Anglo origin, not sticking with his own kind and fighting for Anglo-national identity? Why did he go over to the Jewish side? It's because there's something even more powerful than tribalism and nationalism. It's power-ism, the Will to Cower before the Will to Power, as when French women in droves ran into the arms of Nazi Occupiers. As Jews got the Will to Power and the Actual Power, so many white cucks(and cucks-of-color) act the bitch and bow down before Jewish Power, the new emperor of wanton mercilessness. Furthermore, obeying Jews or becoming a Jew(as Ford has chosen to do) comes not only with material benefits(or shield) but moral sanctimony as Holy Holocaust Worship has replaced Christianity, what with Anne Frank as the new madonna. Why did Ford convert to Orthodox Judaism than Reform Judaism? Partly because his conservative-leaning values are more likely to be found among Orthodox Jews. But in a way, it could be a way for Ford to compensate for his lack of Jewish roots by serving a hardcore strain of Judaism. After all, if you're born Jewish, you don't have to make an effort to be Jewish. Even if you never attend Temple or traveled to Israel, you can rest on the laurels of being Jewish by blood. But if you converted to Judaism, you must make a big show of being the Real Thing. Thus, becoming a hardcore Orthodox Jew gives Ford a chance to feel more Jewish than Jews-born-Jewish. Often, imitators without the title of originator make up for their deficit with zeal. Is it any surprise that Northern Europeans who came to Christianity later developed more puritanical strains of it?
Anyway, Rodney Martin comes across with more integrity in the discussion with KMG on the Luke Ford Show. Unlike KMG, he calls out on Trump's actions as a show of obsequiousness to Jewish supremacists, all the more pathetic since Jews are leading the charge against Trump. Also, Martin provides the context within which the attack took place. According to KMG, the US had to do SOMETHING in retaliation against the attack on the US embassy in Iraq. Now, if out of the blue Iranians/Iraqis decided to attack the US embassy for no good reason, then KMG would be correct. An attack on an embassy is a serious violation, and a superpower like the US must take action. However, we cannot ignore the context of why so many Iraqis/Iranians/Arabs/Muslims are irate with the US. The attack on the embassy didn't just happen out of the blue for no reason but because the US, as proxy-power of Zion, has been tearing the Middle East and North Africa apart. So, while purely on principles, KMG is right about violation of embassies, the fact is principles are dead in the Middle East and Jews & US killed them. Just consider. The US concocted lies to invade and occupy another nation, namely Iraq, under Bush II. Meanwhile, the nations most responsible for having created the Al-Qaeda — the US, Pakistan, and Saudis — averted responsibility. It was the Saudis and CIA that had armed the Jihadis in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Iraq had nothing to do with it, but Iraq got the blame. In the Clinton 90s, it was said 100,000s of Iraqi kids were killed as the result of sanctions. But the madness didn't end there. Under Obama, Libya was targeted and destroyed for trying to create a gold-based currency for Africa. KMG and others like him may accuse Obama of 'weakness' for not having defended the US embassy in Benghazi, but Obama was sure 'tough enough' to wreck an entire nation. Indeed, the attack on US embassy was the direct result of US arming and aiding the Jihadis in that nation. Obama and Jews even pulled off a coup in Ukraine by allying with Crypto-Nazi elements. And Obama and Hillary, as servants of Jews, began the process of arming Jihadis in Syria, tearing that nation apart, all the while tolerating Israel's constant attacks on that nation. Under Trump, the US lied about chemical attacks and lobbed missiles into Syria and continues to occupy oil fields.
Now, what is a greater violation of international law, norms, and decency? What the US, Israel, and Saudis have done or the hapless attack on US embassy in Iraq? Given the context, it seems what was done to the US embassy was NOTHING compared to crimes committed by Jews and the US. But even as KMG has opposed US interventionist policy in the Middle East, he has expressed little moral outrage. Rather, his real ire is about the attack on US embassy where NO ONE died. His Christian moralism is entirely racial(and misguided since the current US isn't even Christian but globo-homo as Queertianity is the new faith under Jewish hegemony). At Benghazi, only four Americans died, but that is a bigger outrage than all the Libyan cities and towns destroyed by Zio-NATO intervention. According to KMG's moral logic, the US invasions of other nations and violations of sovereignty are less outrageous than the attack on US embassies as imperial outposts.
Btw, if attacks on embassies always call for counter-strikes, would KMG have cheered China's retaliation by killing US generals following the US attack on the Chinese embassy in former Yugoslavia? US claimed it was an accident but really? Or, will KMG say the Chinese deserved it because they were doing fishy things in that part of the world? If Chinese deserved it for shady behavior via their embassy, couldn't the same be said for the US embassies in Libya(where US armed the very Jihadis who turned against them) and Iraq(where no one died by the way, in contrast to what happened to the Chinese embassy)? KMG invokes Jimmy-Carter-as-wimp as foil to Trump, but Carter had his hands tied because the Iranians were holding 55 American hostages. Also, the US was in an embarrassing situation because it had backed the much loathed Shah of Iran(hated by all sectors of Iranian society, from secular liberals to Islamists), a CIA-puppet. Also, as New Iran was both anti-American and anti-Soviet, the US risked pushing Iran into the arms of the USSR if the US waged war on Iran. This was still the era of Cold War and Post-Vietnam fatigue. An Iran allied with the Soviets would have undermined US ambitions in Afghanistan. Also, once Reagan came into office, he sealed the money-for-hostages deal with Iran. He didn't attack Iran either. And when Marines were attacked in Lebanon, Reagan's immediate reaction was to pull out all troops. Was he a wimp for opting out of more intervention in that part of the world? And speaking of craven cowardice, it was the US that did NOTHING when Israel pulled the Lavon affair, stole nuclear material from the US, and willfully attacked the USS Liberty to kill ALL servicemen. To this day, the US hasn't officially recognized what really happened on that day. This is the cuck-coward nation that the US has become under Jewish domination, but KMG laughably invokes Douglas MacArthur's quote about victory. It's the Jews who've occupied the West and are bringing it to ruin. It's the Jew-run West that's been wrecking the Muslim World and killing 100,000s of people. US under Obama and Trump have also aided Saudi Arabia's near-genocidal war in Yemen. And yet, KMG's idea of victory is cucking even harder to the Jews and attacking Iran, one of the few nations that resist the Jew-run US.
Given the context, the US has no right to speak of principles or rights. It violates all principles and all international norms to get what it wants, which is cucking to Jews. What is worse? An Iranian-backed attack on US embassy or the US plotting to bring down an entire government in Ukraine? Also, the very Jews who did regime-change in Ukraine plotted likewise in the US against Trump, pushing the crazy Russia Hoax lunacy and then finally having Trump impeached over the Ukraine comedy, but what does Trump do at the end of the day? He cucks to Israel and attacks Iran. This is 'victory'? If we lived in a world of peace and mutual respect and IF Bad Ole Iran attacked US embassies in other nations, I would agree that the US must act. But the US is now an evil globo-homo nation whose culture is rap, twerking, porn, and Jewish-made TV shows & movies that defame & dehumanize the white race as 'evil nazis who must be hunted down and killed'. But all said and done, KMG's sentimentality for Jewish Power and Awesomeness gets the better of him. He is critical but ultimately a cuck, or a crit-cuck. A crit-cuck may be preferable to a cuck-cuck like Ben Sasse, but it's still pathetic given what Jews have done to the US and KMG's beloved Canada, where the new 'conservatism' means More Diversity for whites and national-rights only for Jews and Israel.
If we go by the adage of bad nations deserving their comeuppance, then the US and Israel need to be bombed many times over. Most of their elites need to stand trial and be hanged. If Japan got what it deserved for its attack on Pearl Harbor, the US deserves far bigger punishment for its lies and invasions. But of course, the US can do as it likes because it's the sole superpower. It's not about principles but the privilege of power. While it's true that power matters and we can't expect all nations, big and small, to get the same treatment — stronger powers will always have more leeway — , there needs to be limits to the power of any nation, but the Jew-run US is now committed to doing ANYTHING to get what it wants. So, if Jew-run US is about Zionism Uber Alles, the hell with Palestinians in West Bank, the hell with Syrians who suffered so much, the hell with Iranians, the hell with Russians, and the hell with white Americans and Canadians who are fated to be replaced by Diversity at the order of Jews. And if Jews feel like cooking up total nonsense like Russia Collusion Hoax and dividing the nation politically and derailing peace with Russia, so be it. Israel, that has 300 nukes made from stolen US material, gets showered with billions while Iran that has allowed international inspections must be sanctioned to death. KMG ignores this larger context and huffs-and-puffs about the attack on the US embassy. Imagine if a black guy taunts, spits on, beats up, and cripples a white guy, but the biggest moral outrage is that the white guy, in retaliation, called the black guy a 'nigger'. That's about the level of KMG's moral integrity when it comes to the Middle East. What is a greater violation of international norms? The Jew-run West and Trump cooking up lies about Assad's chemical attacks and shooting missiles into that country or some ragtag Iraqis attacking the US embassy because the US occupation/imperialism never ends and acts more arrogant by the day?
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Another sicko calls for genocide against the Iranians, but this is A-Okay with Twitter that is supervised by Jewish supremacist ADL and SPLC. |
The mindset of KMG offers a glimpse into the fatal sentimentality with which so many whites in the West behold Jewish Power and Prestige. For all his critical acumen and commitment to Catholicism, it's as if KMG's life is incomplete without demonstrating that he too is very much with the Tribe despite its War on Whiteness. You see, the Problem Jews are those secular ones and just never mind that MOST Jews voted for Obama and Hillary and rub their hands with glee over the Sorosian prospect of the West becoming Diversity Central. Jews push invade-invite policy with the Muslim World because the Invite gives a human face to the Invade, i.e. "We may invade Muslim nations but look how we are welcoming and embracing them as 'refugees'." Jews spread anti-Muslim tropes among white Christ-cucks to make them fight Wars for Israel in the Middle East but then spread anti-white and anti-Christian tropes among Muslim immigrants to make them side with Jews against whites. And yet, KMG's gripe about Muslims is that might attack Jews. He cares about Muslims hurting Jews even though Jews don't care about Muslims(or any non-whites) attacking and killing whites. In the end, Crit-Cucks are as useless as Cuck-Cucks.
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